jeremy, cash, and i were all asked to participate at a live nativity where donations were accepted and given to cancer research and operation smile. we were more then happy to volunteer! we were asked to be mary, joseph, and jesus. after we volunteered we were a little nervous about how awkward it was going to be having tons of people stare at you. . . it had a few awkward moments, but overall i would do it again in a heart beat. so many people thanked us for the moment. our picture was taken a million time. one little tiny boy said in the softest voice to Cash (AKA Baby Jesus) "I love you baby Jesus." It was the cutest thing. It really was cool to be apart of something that touched many people.
we were the last stop at the nativity. you first walked through a mock Jerusalem old world market where there were real life camels, goats, sheep, ducks, people buying and selling. there were roman soldiers on horses. as you left that part of the nativity you walked on a quiet dark path towards a barn where live violin music was playing. when you walked in there was one single light in the barn that shined right on us. were were sitting on a bail of straw with heaps of loose straw all around us, a fence lined/framed us in. the music really helped set the tone and as people walked through they spoke very quietly most whispered.
like i said, it was cool to be a part of it!
unfortunately i forgot my camera so all i have is this shot taken from my little cell phone. . . :(