we have all had it. those times where you stand a little taller, walk a little straighter. those moments don't always come from our own choices too. sometimes other people can influence us to feel this way . . .
and i felt that the day i took these pictures.
the day that my little brother, chase got married.
he took a big step in life. grew 5 feet taller.
he found an amazing girl who accepts him for EVERYTHING.
fell in love with someone that will love him back continually.
someone that is patient. calm.
marriage is not easy. marriage is not a walk in the park. but when we find someone that will accept us the way we are and accept them for who they are . . . stars align . . . and well sometimes it does feel like a walk in the park!
chase i am so proud of you.
katrina i love you.
best of wishes forever and always!
and the food was DELISH!!!!