Friday, October 21, 2011

where my heart is

this is a whole bunch of rambling, so excuse me.

some of you may be wondering about all my talk of moving to idaho. well, it isnt so, we are here . . . yet, you know, many people have a dream and work really hard to achieve that dream. eventually they get there. they make it. they live that dream.
but what if one has more then just one dream . . . and would prefer to live the other dream after living the first one for a while?

that is me.
i have an amazing family. a husband who has a great job. a business i worked so hard to build. i have a beautiful house. i am so blessed. and i am living one of my dreams . . . yet, idaho calls.

the fact of the matter is, we found a plain and simple little house on 2.5 acres on a dry river bed and no lie my eyes filled with tears when we walked in the back of the house. that house, with my boys, is my second dream. why, you might wonder? because i am not one that likes to run and keep up with the jones even though sometimes i feel like i get caught up in it at times. i have an amazing house, but would rather not. i would rather have yard, trees, and grass for my kids to run free in. i would rather have fresh air to breathe. and i would rather live with no pressure. the simple life in gods country is what i want. and of course a lot of this comes from my river guiding days and the cleansing that brought to my soul every time i went out.

i also love the idea of a new challenge. building my business back up in a new location. maybe being a fishing guide . . . oh the ideas are endless and exciting.

the thing that is frustrating is i don't know if it would ever happen. our house is for sale but by the time it sells, the property will be gone. so . . . why do i get fixated on one thing? why aren't there other options in idaho? there are, just different from this "vision" for now. the other thing is what we have here and what would be missed, such as good friends and family.

it is like being pulled in two different directions and having to find that direction of where to go.

while this has been on my mind i had to blog about it before i got home and back into the routine of my utah life. which, is a good life. a life i am happy with! a life i can live forever if needs be! until then. . . .

farm land, idaho
grandpas garden gifts!
this amazing picture of nicole sitting with many others in the house!
up by heisie on a drive jeremy and i took with the kids.
judah and his little buddy ezra!
my second life, my idaho life

yes, all pictures taken with my phone. thats how i rolled!