I arrived on the scene first. Their oldest son got home from school and asked to go play at a friends and I said "SURE!" (being the cool aunt that I am) I then put the 8 month old down for a nap (was out in literally 2 minutes) and popped in a movie so the two year old could fall asleep . . . which he did. I was sitting there is the quiet thinking to myself . . . good job.
Well this little scene above was nothing like what the rest of the evening was going to be like. I tricked myself. The rest of the night consisted of cleaning and organizing the messy house, bathing defiant boys, tricking the two year old into going to bed, having a stand off with the 7 year old, and then . . . LITERALLY getting 2 hours of sleep because the 8 month old was up ALL night. HOLY CRAP!
Now I am told that it is always different with your own, but man I WAS EXHAUSTED! I WAS SO TIRED! and now I felt like I was the one that had been pummeled! WOW! I have to be honest and say that I started to second guess our decision to have children. (for those readers that don't know, I am 2 1/2 months preggers) and realized how amazing their babysitter really was. She had been doing this three nights previous!
Last night I got some GREAT sleep in my own house, in my own bed, with no chillins around. Waking up today a few thoughts . . . 1-I really am super glad that I could help out my brother! 2-I am asking myself how mothers do it! 3-I am excited to be preggers AND after my little experience . . . you could add that I am a little worried to say the least.
I hope and feel like I know it will be different with my own . . . right?