what! . . .
i have something to blog about! i know i know you better get excited for these pictures.
i have an amazing friend who has a secret, not so secret, love for being a makeup artist. she has wanted to build her portfolio for a long time and i have wanted to experiment with studio lights for a long time so . . . that created a perfect mixture of experimenting last night! this shoot was intense for all involved and we pulled off some GREAT shots with what we had to work with. the efforts and collaboration of myself, merm, melissa, mickelle, and riley somehow made it. (i am not even sure if i spelled some of those names right, so forgive me!) I am excited for future shoots and more experimenting! As for now lets dwell on the beauty that merm created with her makeup! ps i LOVE the last shots of melissa because it is so her. if you knew her you would know that she is pretty
much a little hippie chick! great job everyone and get ready for the next
shoot . . . say next week maybe?