Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ode to Kennan Elizabeth Williams Greggory

(kennan has reminded me a few times to post pictures about our little get away and i am just now doing it, so here you go KiJennan) a couple of weekends ago i was able to get out of dodge and head to st george with some old nova friends. these are friends that i LITERALLY grew up with and we are all still friends at age 25. it was such a good weekend and sadly . . . no not sadly (i got a break from all of my electronic attachments) i left my big camera behind so i got a few shots with my point and shoot. my friends helped me though a lot growing up and were a big strength to me . . . they still are. thank you kennan, rebecca, nicole, jana, and taryn for your friendship, good influence, support, and of coarse good times. i am very grateful for the relationships i have with each of you.
i look forward to many more years of nova reunions.