Friday, June 26, 2009

dear month of june

some of you may have been wondering where i have gone to, i'm just here at home in orem NOT POSTING! :)

a few little updates. . .

this kid right here below
(my little brother)is leaving on a mission next wednesday! his farewell is this sunday for any of you that know him and would like to go. it is at the church on highland highway and 6400 west at 11:00AM. his topic is a tough one so it will be fun to see what he does with it
. . . ha ha ha. and i can't wait to get some fab pictures of him on Sat before he takes off.

my parents have been working like crazy to not only get him ready but to get the house looking splendid as well. and i have to say they have done a great job even though the swimming pool is still not open :( all i have to say about that is my dad is one LUCKY fellow because i would have had it out for him if the weather hadn't have been so cool ALL june. (it should be open by next week, yay!)

i had two weddings last week and they were both GREAT and have kept me busy along with the new website i have been designing, pricing book, business cards, etc. WAHOO. when i post something on facebook or twitter about getting organized or why does it take me so long to get organized . . . this is what i am talking about, BUT . . . the hard work is paying off and things are all coming together for the new workflow and design.

sad news,
(1) remember "the pregnant photographer" post and pictures. sad but those pictures have been lost. jeremy did such a good job with them too! and lets be honest, i haven't stopped gaining weight so i am not that excited to do it again! but the time will soon come next week for "the pregnant photographer part 2" to happen.
(2) i tried a new recipe last night and was hoping it would be good enough to share with all of you but, it wasn't. yeah i won't make that one again. it was boring (chicken tortilla soup). anyone have a good recipe for this?

good news and things:
i LOVE a clean house!
i am still working just as hard as before i was pregnant (yard work, cleaning, etc)
sleep actually has been great, i had a bad week once, but it left
our new grill we got this summer is my favorite purchase, yummy
little man inside of me doesn't stop moving :)
i have a husband that is patient with a snippy pregnant wife
lemonade gives me acid-reflux
we still don't have a name picked out for our future new addition
we FINALLy got registered at babies r us
i know what i want to do decor in my house, the question is $. :)