Wednesday, July 1, 2009

bye chase

as chase stood at the pulpit and spoke to the congregation on sunday i was impressed with the things that were coming out of his mouth. i looked around at the people that were listening to him and when i glanced back up i saw the little 10 year old chase that i once new. he is not that same person, or i should say he is, but there is so much more that his been added to his character, so much more to him.
yesterday as i bowed my head to be apart of chases being set apart the voice of the stake president faded to the background as i suddenly was thinking of all the different memories with chase. . .
hiking with my family and yelling "i can stop" because i was trying to prove something to chase. (family joke). sharing a room for a short time when we were little and jumping off of my bed to his and back. riding bikes together up at the cabin. yelling at him to get off of his computer :) embracing him during a time of struggle when he didn't know what he was doing. conversations about the gospel. having the opportunity to go to the temple with him. see him go golfing with my hubby and form a great friendship with him. watch him grow.
tears welled up in my eyes, and not because i am sad that he was going to be going today, but because i love him so much.
he has shown to me that it doesn't matter where you are in life, you can always make a change. he has shown me what it is like to care so much for so many people. he is a great friend. a great brother. that is what i am going to miss for two years, however i am happy that others will be able to be around him. enjoy him. and learn from him.

chase God bless and good luck.