walk in the door from a day at the pool. round up the dog collars and leashes and head back out to the garage to get my bike out. let the dogs out, get them situated. hop on my bike and i am off. its a nice evening. 30 weeks (7 months) pregnant. i pass a guy and his dog. i ride pass a couple that are exercising and some of you may know what look you get from people when you are pregnant. the one where it is a pleasant content look. the couple gave me that look and smiled. i keep peddling and get out to where i am by myself (1.5 miles out) and suddenly there is this brown tahoe speeding up towards me from behind. pilot (my handsome vizsla) looks back and freaks, jerked me and oh no . . . i went over. i think i hit about everything i could crashing but the biggest worry . . . i landed smack on my handle bars and then to the pavement - WITH MY BELLY. i gathered myself up and picked my bike up as the tahoe passes me. WHAT! thats right, they didn't stop. i was fine and i am a tough girl, but who the crap doesn't stop when they see something like that happen? not only that but when it happens to someone that is pregnant. i hit the pavement pretty hard. my legs and tummy were covered in dirt and bike grease, my hands had bike grease and blood all over them and my hair was looped out all funny. anyways, i am the type of person that would stop and it shocked me when this person drove right on by. thats right, right on by and they looked at me and made eye contact. (it was a middle aged women) i made my way back to my house (about 1/2 a mile) and called jeremy. i started to freak out a little bit because i had laid on my back and on my side and couldn't feel my little man moving. what did i do! was he okay . . . jeremy and my mom told me to call the on call doctor, who then, told me to get to labor and delivery at the hospital and have a stress test done and his heart rate checked. this got me worried, but i headed off. my mom met me there and they strapped me up to some machines. after about 45 minutes they let me know things were okay. his heart rate was good and healthy and making the progress it needed and i was only having minor contractions. they let me go and relief sunk in.
all in all i am totally fine. it did worry the crap out of me that i could have done some damage to my baby. today i am left with a swollen scabby hand and knee, sore neck and a raw swollen spot on my baby bump just to the right of my belly button.
cheers to that accident.