thinking about this post and looking at pictures of judah, i can't hold back the tears. most of the time with me, i plop down in my swivel chair select a few images and rattles off a few thoughts and boom, there is my post. but today, i can't.
today is different.
almost to the minute judah was born one year ago. he is joyful chubby little mug that i just can't get enough of. and along with that i have my little cash b who is right by judahs side encouraging him to walk and playing with him.
now there are days when i am frankly embarrassed at how i parent, but i have realized most of us have those days. so i am okay with that. i know that i have many more good days that out way those not so memorable ones. and on those days you will find lots of tickles and giggles, wrestling and laughs, yummy breakfasts, and days in the dirt and sun.
i love my family. i love my boys.
i love judah especially today.
i am a lucky person right now.
judah please know that you have made my life better. you are such a endless lover and i can't get enough of your snuggles. i hope my dear boy, that you know i love you from top to bottom, always and forever.
happy birthday.